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Dip your feet...
or dive right in.

Become a member

Become an active member today! Your voluntary member due of $25 for the year help fund our association and keep it running. This includes organizing neighborhood meetings and events such as socials, neighborhood clean-up, and the holiday toy drive.



Join meetings

You don’t have to be an active member to join meetings. Come one, come all! 
Upcoming Events


Help us build!

Do you have photos or a story to share about the Plaza Shamrock community? Would you like to help contribute content or fund a goal? Do you have ideas to help improve our site? Would you like to volunteer at upcoming events, or do you have kids that need volunteer hours for college applications?

If so, please contact us to help build our neighborhood community!


Become a PSNA board member

Our board consists of 10 members: 6 members and 4 officers. Board member and officers are neighborhood member volunteers who serve terms of 2 years to keep the association running. The Board meets about 1/month and are present at all of the neighborhood meetings (about every other month) and any other social events. Amount of engagement will fluctuate depending on time of year and what events are upcoming and need preparation. It's a fantastic way to be more involved and get to know your neighbors while serving the community.


If you're interested in becoming a board member, you may apply by filling out this application

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